From the dashboard, select Contributions.
Step 1 - Select the pay period for upload
Select Upload contributions in the pay period for which you want to complete the upload. If you have multiple payroll, benefit or workplace pensions recorded in the Cushon Employer Portal, please ensure you select the correct one from the drop-down box to show the pay period schedule.
Step 2 - Select your file
Drag and drop, or select, the .csv file that contains the members that need uploading and click Submit.
Step 3- Validate your date
After clicking Submit, this will take you to a screen which is shown while your data is validated – this may take a few minutes.
Step 4 - Process your contributions
When your data has completed validation, you will be presented with the below screen showing an upload summary.
Review the upload summary and correct any rejected records before submission within your source data. If there are any errors, you can download an error report by clicking the Download Errors button. You will not be able to process a file until all errors have been corrected.
Once any errors have been corrected and you have a clean file for re-upload, you will see the below as confirmation of an error-free upload.
We would recommend checking a few of the records to ensure the data is accurate. Once you are happy with the data, please click Process to load the data into the platform.
This will take you to another screen which is shown while your data is validated – again, this may take a few minutes, so do not cancel the screen. Once all validations are successful, the next screen will confirm that your file has been successfully processed.
Select the Done button and this will take you back to your Pension upload screen.
Once your data has been loaded, you can view the contribution statement in the Contributions section. The contributions you have just processed will be shown detailing the total amount to be collected by Cushon, with a status of Processing.